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Have you ever had a ring that was missing a stone? Of course, no one would purchase such an item because they're already expensive as is, and the value of the whole product is pretty much gone. If your engagement ring is like that, it might be time to search for a professional jeweler to repair it and turn it back into something beautiful again. But first, you need to find out what happened. You see, people put stones in engagement rings all the way back in ancient times for their symbolism and beauty — but there's rarely an occasion where we might need this service. Depending on the stone, it can be very fragile. And if you don't have an engagement ring that's already fully stocked with stones or diamonds, then you need to find or buy one that does. A good jeweler will inspect the ring to determine the right size of stone to be put in there. If they think one of the existing ones needs replacing, then they'll do it themselves; if not, then they'll suggest someone who is more qualified for this kind of work. When your engagement ring breaks, make sure you aren't wearing it anymore because if you are and it falls off your finger before turning it in for repair, chances are you'll lose whatever is inside. So, don't be reckless. Before you do anything else, find out who the jeweler who sold you the ring is. Because if they aren't willing to give you their name and phone number, then it's definitely not worth working with them. All jewelers are not created equal; some are professional enough to do your repairs, while others are just scam artists that will try to sell you expensive jewelry that can't be repaired or will get stuck in the repair process because the repair technician isn't qualified. If you don't have a jeweler that you can get in touch with, then just do a Google search for one. The Internet is a wonderful tool, and it's great for finding local businesses. After all, how else can you pick a jeweler if they're not right around the corner from your home? The best way to find out if your ring can be saved or not is to have an expert look at it. So, head down to the jeweler and see what they have to say. Ask them what might have happened and if there's anything that they can do about it. But if it's broken and you can't fix it, you can always sell your engagement ring and use the money to buy a better one. Just consider how much it's made of, what type of carat is in there, and how valuable it is before you start looking for a jeweler to take care of it. You don't want to just slap any old rock into your engagement ring because that would be counterintuitive — especially if you're trying to impress anyone with it. cfa1e77820

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